From Marx to Gramsci

A study guide of Paul Le Blanc’s 2016 book ‘From Marx to Gramsci: a reader in revolutionary Marxist politics.’

This study guide was written by Gari De Ramos and edited by Katya Zabelski

In this anthology, Le Blanc spends the first half explaining what Marxism is, what Marxists think a winning strategy looks like, how Marxism has evolved, why there have been dictators under so-called socialist governments, and what obstacles lie ahead for socialism’s success in the future. He uses the terms ‘socialism’ and ‘Marxism’ interchangeably, which is not the norm. For more about the difference between ‘socialism’ and ‘Marxism,’ read this Vox article or watch this YouTube video.

In the second part of the book, he dedicates chapters to Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Antonio Gramsci. In each of these chapters, he introduces the life and evolution of these thinkers. He then uses the rest of the chapter to include excerpts from these thinkers’ writings.

Instead of summarizing the source material, this study guide uses digitally designed fake Twitter accounts for each thinker. Each fake Twitter account is based on the primary texts Le Blanc included in his book.

Navigate our study guide using the table of contents below.


Le Blanc, Paul. From Marx to Gramsci: a reader in revolutionary Marxist politics. Haymarket Books, 2016.

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