Feminism is for Everybody

A study guide of bell hooks’ 2000 book ‘Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics.’

This study guide was written by Gauri Mande and edited by August Devore Welles and Hannah Ball

The purpose of Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks is to be a handbook that is concise without being condescending in its simplicity. Herein, hooks attempts to introduce feminism to the masses and, through education, make everyone feminists. hooks breaks down a different theme of feminism in each chapter and offers her critique of the movement’s history and a vision for its future. 

One thing to note is that Feminism for Everybody was originally published in 2000. There are some phrases, particularly pertaining to gender, that leave out modern vocabulary and recognition of non-binary gender identities. If you are interested in hooks’ more contemporary dialogues on transgender politics, see her conversation with Laverne Cox here. We also welcome further discussion into how her points made below intersect with modern transgender discourse.

Navigate our study guide using the table of contents below.


Hooks, B. (2000). Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics. Pluto Press.

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